Woman Prays For Thief After Thanksgiving Gift Was Stolen, Then God Send An Angel To Save Her Day

A Police officer helped save the day for an elderly lady in East Millcreek after a thief tried to ruin her Thanksgiving.

Tisina Wolfgramm Gerber is a 76 year old woman who lost her husband back in January. Her five kids and grand kids were planning to descend on grandma for the holiday, and Gerber had big plans to cook up a storm in the kitchen.

She was doing her shopping on Wednesday morning, buying turkey and all the trimmings, when she returned home and realised that someone had broken into her car and stolen all the food inside.

At first she thought that the thief may have needed the food more than her, and even prayed for the thief when she got home. But on the insistence of her neighbour, she informed the police of what had happened.

Officer Chad Leetham was the one who answered her call, and he then proceeded to make calls of his own. He reached out to a number of community contacts to get another turkey and all the trimmings donated.

Later he knocked on Gerber’s door and, when he showed her all what he brought, she was overwhelmed and hugged him and had tears rolling down her face.

Gerber feels as if her husband up above, was sending help her way, and adds that she is so thankful to the Police for helping save her holiday.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9