‘I’m Glad I Listened To God’: Police Officer Pulls Over 81-Year-Old Woman For Wrong Turn And Ends Up Saving Her Life

A Columbia, South Carolina police officer is being credited for finding an 81-year-old missing woman from North Carolina who lost her way.


Corporal Constance Lake says she strongly believes in God and that there was a reason, why she pulled over the woman’s car that morning.

She says she doesn’t know why she picked the woman’s car, Monday morning while she was patrolling on August 29.

Constance Lake says, “I believe strongly in God, and I know God had me in that block range for a reason. He had me not pull that car over for a reason,” she said.

She noticed two suspicious cars, one had a broken light and the other one was following her near a traffic light. She says she heard a voice that told her to let the one with the broken light go. She instead pulled over the woman’s car after it made an illegal right turn.

Cpl. Lake said, “I ended up pulling her over. If I’m not mistaken, the 2100 block of Taylor Street, which is Taylor and Harden. She was right in front of the traffic light.” she said.

She then confronted the woman and told her why she pulled her over and then asked for her identification documents, but she didn’t have any.

Lake said, “We ended up getting her name from her. We ran her, ran the vehicle, and it immediately popped that she was a missing person from North Carolina,” says Constance Lake.


The officer found out that there was a Silver Alert issued for the 81-year-old woman, Brenda Thomas, by North Carolina officials after she had vanished from her home on Sunday.

We praise God for keeping Officer Lake at the right place, at the right time because Ms. Thomas has cognitive issues that could have led to a dangerous situation if not for the officer’s intervention.

Cpl. Constance Lake from Columbia Police Dept, says, “I really felt aligned with my God at that moment. That things happen for a reason, and I’m glad I listened.” she concludes.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15