Wheelchair-Bound Blind Dog Gives School Kids A Lesson On Anti-Bullying And Acceptance

A cute video of a Cockapoo, born without eyes and with deformed hind legs, teaching kids about anti-bullying is garnering more views by the day.

Noah, the 3-year-old Cockapoo, was born deformed, but it hasn’t slowed him or his mission one bit. He spends his time visiting different schools in a wheelchair, where he and Edge of Wisconsin teach young students about tolerance and acceptance.

Most of the time, society doesn’t easily accept those with deformities or disabilities and tends to insult or bully them. This is exactly what Noah is trying to educate school kids about: that if someone has a disability, it does not mean they are any less than others and they should be accepted as they are.

His mom, Lisa Edge, says, “He’s a great example and a great visual for when I take him to see kids at school that just because he’s different doesn’t mean he’s any less of a dog.”

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Verse of the Day

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3:18