A New Jersey cop went above and beyond to help sustain a homeless family.

Officer Jonathan Librizzi responded to a call from Walmart in Garfield, where a woman and her adult son who lived in their car for two weeks with their service dog met him.
The car had broken down and they could not go anywhere. She told the officer that none of the shelters wanted to help her for various reasons like overcrowding and not being able to take in a service dog.
Officer Librizzi, himself, reached out to 15 shelters in North Jersey and was given the same feedback. “Her car was completely shot, wouldn’t start at all,” he said. “I didn’t feel good leaving her out in the cold in the Jersey February month. So I figured I had to get her into someplace warm.”
Officer Librizzi gave her some money and paid for them to spend the weekend in a motel. “We have a department full of people that are willing to go the extra mile and help out anybody in the community they can,” he said.
He even drove them to the motel and arranged to have their car towed to the motel. The tow company fixed the car absolutely free of charge.
What an awesome act of kindness by Officer Jonathan Librizzi towards this homeless family. Our police officers are regularly going above the call of duty for the communities they are serving, by not only saving lives but building lives of the people as well.