‘A Blessing’: Christian Academy Principal Praises God After Nashville Tornado Hit The School

Donelson Christian Academy in Nashville was badly damaged by the recent tornado which hit Tennessee early Tuesday morning. DCA is a private Christian school with students from preschool through twelfth grade.


The school wrote on its social media, “Due to significant damage to the Academy from the tornado, DCA will be closed. Please be in prayer for our school and the Stanford Estates neighborhood.”

DCA Principal Bret Schierling spoke about how sever the damage was, “The biggest part of the damage is to the elementary wing. The roof is off on quite a bit of this – a lot of little kids items – which makes us thankful this didn’t happen during the school day,” Schierling said. “It’s good that it happened at one-o’clock in the morning rather than one-o’clock in the afternoon. We can find a blessing in that even.”


He said a portable classroom looked like it had been picked up and thrown toward the kindergarten classrooms and even its roof was ripped off. “The frame of the portable structures for the preschools landed on top of the roof. A lot of windows are out. When that portable blew up this way, it came by and ripped off this roof,” Schierling explained.

Schierling revealed how extensive the damage was to the sports fields and everything near them. “The bleachers are all over our campus. The roof of our recently opened concessions, restroom, hospitality center is gone. The framing is gone.”


He thanked God for no lives lost at the school when the tornado struck. “The Lord is gracious. Kids could have been here. We could of had baseball games, soccer games and softball games going on. There’s all kinds of things that could of made this a lot worse,” he said.

Surrounding schools began posting prayer requests for DCA and others impacted by the storm. The Webb School located in Bell Buckle, TN wrote, “Let’s pray together for Mt. Juliet Christian Academy, Donelson Christian Academy and more.” Brentwood Academy located in Brentwood, TN tweeted, “Please join us in praying for our friends at Donelson Christian Academy and all those affected by the storms.”


Albertville High School in Albertville, TN wrote, “Please join us in praying for one of our choir family. The school, the kids and the community at Donelson Christian are in our thoughts and prayers!” “Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the storms in the Nashville area, especially our friends at Donelson Christian and Mt. Juliet Christian!”

“We are going to have school. We are going to finish this year out and start talking about sites we can have school and finish somewhere,” he concluded. Let us support Donelson Christian Academy with our prayers and with our finances and ask God to help them set up all their infrastructure once again and re-start classes for their students.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9