Mystery Soldier’s Act Of Kindness For Young Teen At New York Airport

A mystery soldier’s act of kindness for a young girl at a New York airport is warming hearts of people all over the country.


The young teen was checking her bag at an upstate New York airport to catch her flight to see a sick relative but was unable to pay for her bag.

Greg McLean who witnessed the incident at Watertown airport, said, “The girl was upset talking to her dad on FaceTime, she was trying to check her bag and she didn’t have a credit card, the agents didn’t let the dad pay for it using his credit card,” he said.

He took to Facebook to share the incident, “I noticed an Army solider with a 10th Mountain Division patch on a bag and stepped up … he barely said two words … ‘Don’t worry, I got this'” McLean said.

McLean said the solider paid for the girl’s bag so she could make the flight.

McLean had grasped the Army solider’s last name, “Conner,” as it was on his backpack but he wanted others to know about the young solider’s act of kindness.

“I woke up on Wednesday morning, I got a message from one of my friends saying ‘Hey man, good job,’ I was like ‘What?’” said Michael Conner.

Meanwhile, East Bethel native, 20-year-old U.S. Army Specialist Conner said his phone blew up, which led him to read the Facebook post. “It’s crazy I wasn’t expecting it,” said Conner. “I wasn’t going to let her miss her flight for a $50 dollar bag … you know.”

Conner got out of the security line and went over to the counter, handed over his card to pay for the girl’s bag. “I’m like don’t worry about it … just fly home and have a safe flight,” Conner said.

Army leaders at Fort Drum in New York, at his base, wanted to meet with him about the moment at the airport, he said.

Conner, who attended St. Francis High School, was flying back to Minnesota for a few weeks of leave after a recent surgery on his arm.

Conner has since connected with McLean, who made the post. “Something I gathered from this doing a small gesture for someone it can make a huge impact and bring joy to a lot of people,” said McLean, who has heard from people around the globe about the act of kindness.

“I think it needs to happen a lot more in life,” Conner said about his simple act. “A lot of people would rather stick with their day and not help out another person they don’t know, I think that should change.”

This sweet gesture by a young man has warmed our hearts today because it is endearing to see the younger generation have such good values.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9