Elementary School Teacher Writes Song For Kids And Its Hysterical Twist Has Folks Rolling

At a time where schools and colleges are closed due to the pandemic, a music teacher of a Texas elementary school did something extraordinary for her students.

Lizzie Smith wrote a song for her students about distance learning which made folks roll laughing hysterically from the very first “note.”

Lizzie is originally from Tennessee, but now lives and works in Texas as an elementary school music teacher.

Lizzie Smith

Due to the challenges in education caused by the coronavirus pandemic, teachers, parents, and students everywhere are finding it hard to cope up with.

And Lizzie decided to use music as a way to express her feelings. “So, I wrote a song. I’d like to share that with you guys now,” Lizzie says in a video she uploaded on to the social media site, TikTok.

In the video, she can be seen playing the ukelele, and her unexpected original tune has gone viral as it perfectly sums up how we are all feeling during these crazy times.

Watch: Elementary School Music Teacher’s Song For Kids Has A Hilarious Twist 

@makeshift.macaroni##ukulele ##uke ##originalsong ##teachersoftiktok ##tiktokteacher ##smallgestures

♬ original sound – makeshift.macaroni

Lizzie Smith, is now known as the screaming music teacher, “I woke up and when I checked my TikTok that morning I had close to 1,000 followers which was double what it had been,” she recalled.

Her TikTok video appeared on TV shows from all over and her screaming made news anchors and audiences tear up from laughing out hard.

“With this particular TikTok I remember being very frustrated with the way distance learning had been going so far,” Lizzie says. “All the teachers that have talked to me or have commented on my post, they’ve said thank you this is absolutely relatable, you’ve put into words how I feel about online teaching too, and I’m glad that I was able to express how they’re feeling as well.”

Thanks, Lizzie for sharing this hilarious video with the world and giving us something to laugh about during these hard and difficult times.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11