Mom Gifted Replica Of Engagement Ring She Sold Years Ago To Make Ends Meet

A struggling mom had to sell her engagement ring to settle her bills, but years later she got the biggest surprise of her life.


London-born Kim Rowell was too young to understand the sacrifices her mother had made for her but her gratitude to her returning the favor later on in life.

Kim’s mother, Denise Terry, was facing hard times when she was bringing up her children and decided to sell her engagement ring one day to keep the roof over her kids’ heads.

As the years went on, Denise’s children grew up and her adult daughter, Kim, understood how much her mother had sacrificed for them years ago.

Kim was grateful and wanted to repay her mother’s kindness, and so on Christmas morning, her mother opened one last present from her daughter with the cameras rolling. Her mother was left speechless when she took the wrapping off the small box and read the designer’s name on it.

Denise couldn’t hold back her tears when she opened the box and saw an exact replica of the ring she had sold to pay her bills all those years back.

She was crying when she said, “It’s beautiful, and it’s pretty much the exact same,” she said. Denise understood that her daughter was grateful for the sacrifices she had made when she was younger and was filled with joy and happiness.

Watch: Heartwarming Moment When Daughter Surprises Mom With Engagement Ring She Sold Years Ago To Make Ends Meet

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11