Working Mom Gets Thanksgiving Surprise And It Brings Her To Tears

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We all like to hear these two magical words, “Thank you,” being said to us, but sadly they are not said enough especially to working moms.

Maria Reid is a nurse practitioner at United Psychology Center and a mom to five children, she balances her work and education while coping up with her children’s schedules and cooking meals for them every night, but she often doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

“When I have to enroll them at eight weeks, I feel bad. Even the daycare is like, ‘Are you sure you don’t want to stay home with your child some more?’ and I wish I could, but unfortunately, I just can’t,” says Reid.

Reid and her husband Harold both work to support their family.

She says, “It’s tough mentally because I want to be present for my kids 24/7.”

Primrose Schools, was set up to provide national early education and is a child care provider, has created an initiative to combat “mom guilt.”

Jo Kirchner, CEO of Primrose Schools says, “Parental guilt is a feeling that so many of us can relate to, and is much too common among today’s parents. I felt it as a young, working mother, too, which is why this gesture brought me to tears all these years later. Social media can amplify parental insecurities, so Primrose Schools wanted to offer a message of reassurance that would encourage parents everywhere to let go of their guilt.”

Primrose Schools asked Reid and four other Atlanta moms to take part in a research study related to working moms.

See this “candid-camera” style interview with a shocked Maria, which was a setup to surprise these moms with a video tribute from their family and friends.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9