This Mom Has the Perfect Response to Her Daughter Bullying Another Student

Bullying is a growing problem in schools everywhere. It can lead to serious physical and emotional harm. When one mom discovered her daughter bullied another student, she took a unique approach to teach a valuable lesson.

mom against bullying

This mother learned her daughter had been unkind to a classmate. Instead of a typical punishment, she chose an impactful method. They created an apology gift basket for the bullied girl, documented in a TikTok video by the mom, Nique (@afrolatina93).

The video begins with a message: “POV: Your child decided to be a follower and bully another kid today knowing you hate bullies! This is how we apologize in our household.” They filled the basket with thoughtful items: a jewelry-making kit, a cute notebook, snacks, a facemask, and more.

It included a card where the daughter wrote, “I’m sorry for being mean to you and talking about your hair. You are a wonderful friend to me so I apologize for that.” Also, the basket had a Krispy Kreme gift card, flowers, and a smiley balloon.

WATCH: Mom Responds to Daughter Bullying Another Student in a Unique Way

@afrolatina93 I always tell my kids that you never know what a person is going through at home and what they have to deal with everyday. You are to always be kind to everyone because how you treat someone can impact their mental health in either 2 ways! Not only that but everything you have can be taken away just as fast as you received it! Humble yourself! ❤️#fyp #fy #humble #nobullies #bullyfreezone #alllove #forgiveness #trending #teachthemyoung #lessonlearned #lesson ♬ Angel Numbers / Ten Toes – Chris Brown

Nique’s approach reflects a deep understanding. The National Center for Educational Statistics says one in five students gets bullied. Adults must guide kids towards empathy and kindness. Nique emphasized the importance of understanding others’ struggles. Her message was clear: actions affect mental health, and humility is key. She believes in teaching her children the value of kindness.

The online community praised Nique for her perfect response. One person wrote, “Bullying is a childhood trauma. I am so glad you got straight to work with helping your baby recognize the seriousness of it all. You are so Dope.” Another one wrote, “As someone who went through bullying from elementary to high school this means a lot I teach my kids the same kudos to you and your daughter momma!”

As parents, it’s our duty to guide our children towards human values. Let us show them that God’s love is about understanding and forgiving others. Our actions can teach them to be kind and compassionate to others.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

WATCH: Nique’s Daughter Meets the Student She Bullied with Gifts

@afrolatina93 I appreciate all the love and support you all have shown! The little girl was so happy and grateful and her mom was as well. My daughter understands her wrong doing and promised to never hurt anyone else again ❤️#fyp #fy #millennialmom #humble #bullyfreezone #nobullies #forgiveness #trending #alllove #teachthemyoung #lessonlearned #lesson #actsofkindness #kindhearted #love #friends ♬ Me Cry – NGOTUAN NGUYX

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11