Firefighters See Elderly Woman Struggling In Wheelchair, Spend Their Days Off To Build Her A New Walkway

A group of firefighters went above and beyond for an elderly woman after they saw her struggling in her wheelchair to get to her front door.

The kind-hearted Missouri firefighters spent their weekend building a new walkway for her.


According to a Facebook post from the Webster Groves Firefighters Community Outreach, a group of their responders were returning from a call when they saw the elderly woman in a wheelchair falling over while trying to enter her house.

“Multiple stairs and uneven terrain unfortunately led to the resident falling over in her wheelchair while trying to enter the house,” the fire department wrote on Facebook. “Luckily the patient was uninjured, but we saw an opportunity to help.”


The firefighters returned to the woman’s home during their days off and built a new concrete walkway to her front door.

“She will now have a level pathway and ramp to gain access to her home,” wrote the department. “A huge thank you goes out to the members that spent their days off helping those in need.”


The photos posted by the fire department touched the hearts of hundreds and they are praising the men for their compassion.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4