Faithful Dogs Surround Autistic Lost Boy Wearing Only Diaper Until He’s Found

Two dogs protected and kept a 3-year-old lost autistic boy safe till rescuers landed where they were.

The search was relentlessly on for a lost boy with autism, but thanks to two dogs, Marshal Butler was safe and sound.


Marshal Butler went missing from his parents’ home in Ponce De Leon, Florida, and his parents were terrified. The toddler wandered off wearing just a diaper.

It’s every parent’s nightmare that their child should go missing, but the fact that this little boy has autism and non-verbal made the situation worse. “We were panicked,” explained the boy’s aunt, Kayla Stewart. “All sorts of worst-case scenarios are running through their heads. Through the whole process, you’re terrified.”

Local authorities launched a huge search along with the K-9 unit and launched a social media campaign as well to bring Marshal Butler home to his grief-stricken parents as early as possible.

In a few hours of searching, Carol Shelton- a neighbor, spotted the lost boy and what she saw is warming hearts of people all over. The family’s dogs, Buckwheat and Nala, surrounded and protected the little boy the whole time.


“Both of his dogs were right there with him,” Carol recalled. “[We’re] thankful that the pups kind of guided him along I guess they kept him safe,” said a neighbor. “They’re doing their job,” said Marshal’s grateful and relieved mom.


Marshal returned home covered in dirt but safe and unharmed. Thank God for these ‘furry angels’ who protected and kept little Marshal safe and sound.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11