Mom Prays Over Unborn Baby With Birth Defect, Who Was Then Healed in Her Womb

A mother shared her testimony about how her baby, who had a birth defect, was healed while still in her womb through prayer.

Rachel Jenkins is a happy mom-of-three today, but it was in April 2019 when she and her husband discovered that they would be parents to triplets. They knew it would not be easy but were positive and confident in God. Rachel wrote in one of her posts, “We choose to remain positive, to believe the best, and to put these babies in God’s hands.”

However, when the couple went for the Maternal Fetal Medicine appointment, the doctor’s news devastated them. They were informed that one of the babies had “Omphalocele”, a birth defect characterized with the baby’s internal organs such as kidney, intestines and liver stick outside of the belly.


The doctors suggested selective reduction but they refused the advice and decided to not do anything and simply monitor the baby closely.

Rachel went home with a migraine but called a few friends to ask for prayer. Her friends assured her that God will work everything out. “I had no peace. I tossed and turned at night. My thoughts were consumed with all the what-ifs. I knew I had to find peace… to rely fully on God.” She continued, “I woke up one morning and I just felt peace. I had found my place of faith in God over this situation.”

The expectant mother laid hands over her baby, praying and declaring for a miracle multiple times a day. On her 14th week, Rachel went again for an ultrasound expecting for a miracle. But the doctor only confirmed the baby’s birth defect. “On the way home from my 14 weeks ultrasound I prayed, ‘God, I have another appointment in 2 weeks. That is another opportunity for You to heal him! I’m trusting You no matter what,” she recalled.


After two weeks, Rachel received God’s answer. “I received several words that he would be healed. It resonated with my spirit but there’s always thoughts of ‘you’re just crazy’, ‘nobody should ask for the impossible’ but still I asked. Daily.” She continued, “I walked into my 16 week appointment… and the ultrasound began. The tech looked confused.. I laid there for what felt like an hour.”

Finally, the tech said there was no omphalocele, she asked to see previous ultrasounds and looked at it with amazement. She confirmed the omphalocele in the ultrasound but couldn’t find it anymore. Rachel stated, “She literally told me that she had been doing this for over 20 years and would stake her job on the fact that there wasn’t even a trace of a defect on this baby. Every single baby I was carrying was 100% healthy as could be! They said they were sending me back to Birmingham to confirm. But I knew. I knew God felt my faith. I knew I rested in Him and I knew He answered my prayers and the prayer of everyone else.”

She ended, “I’m not even deserving of such a miracle but He blessed us anyways! I will forever tell of how my baby was healed even when the doctors said it was IMPOSSIBLE!”

This is surely the work of God-our great physician, our Healer, and deliverer. He is our Savior who cradles away all our pain and suffering. Amen!

Verse of the Day

“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4