Military Dad Gives Son A Sweet Homecoming Surprise

Homecoming is one of the most precious moments in a soldier’s life. This emotional homecoming surprise of a military dad for his son was truly unforgettable.

military dad surprises son

Serving the country while wanting to be with his family is one of the dilemmas of being a soldier. It is even more difficult if an officer has kids waiting for him not only for days, weeks but at times, many, many months. This is the case for the Watts family. Mr. Watts has been deployed and was gone for quite a long time. He was given a break and decided to come home to surprise his unknowing son.

It was early morning when this loving dad came into his son’s room. He started to wake him up, nudging him gently. He tenderly touched his hair and gave him a soft kiss. Still unaware and sleepy, the young boy did not give too much attention to what was happening. Until, he got up, sat on his bed, and saw his dad!

That’s when a very emotional encounter began. His son could not believe that his dad’s finally home! He was given a tight hug and he started to break down. He sobbed uncontrollably. One could just imagine the mixed emotions this father and son could be feeling at that moment. They were locked in each other’s arms for quite some time. This is one of the memories this young boy will surely, treasure in his heart for a long time. Equally touched and emotional was this military’s wife who was on the side, capturing the moment. She eventually posted it on Instagram. The said post racked up thousands of likes and was well received by a lot of people!

Watch: Military Dad Surprises Son With Homecoming

Fathers play a vital role in their children’s lives. This kid showed so much love for his dad who obviously, cherished him a lot! Kudos to this military dad who has shown his son what fatherhood should be like. He has done a great job of raising and loving him even though there were times that they need to be physically apart. May this generation grow up being loved and valued by strong, devoted, and responsible fathers. May the kids of this generation know and experience the ‘Father love’ of God foremost.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” 1 John 3:1

Verse of the Day

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9