Waitress’ Faith Restored By Group Of Young Boys’ Simple Act Of Kindness

A waitress spoke of her hope in young kids being restored after a group of teens helped clean up her table.


Nicole Marie shared her story along with a picture on Facebook about the incident that occurred during her shift at the Red Dog Saloon in Milford, Michigan. “Today my faith in future generations was restored!!” Nicole Marie’s post read. She shared a picture of a table where the diners had placed all their cups together and stacked their trays, plates, buckets and dirty napkins on one side of the table.

She shared that the patrons were a group of seven boys, studying in 6th grade, they ordered wings and told her they were “looking forward to this for weeks!” She said, “They were so excited and were EXTREMELY polite the whole entire time, using please and thank you and trying to make it as easy as possible for me to get their order; they even told me they’d tip well,” Nicole Marie continued. “One of the boys even told his friend to get off the phone when I was talking to them!”

She said she had been serving at the Red Dog Saloon for 10 years, but never encountered anybody like these kids. “I don’t waitress as often anymore, but from my past experience, I would say this isn’t the normal (behavior of kids),” she said. She said that groups of kids aren’t “usually ruder or messier,” but adults including herself are rarely so polite or help clean up their dishes.

The boys’ “best behavior” was noticed by others and in appreciation, a fellow diner ended up paying for the group’s meal as well. Nicole Marie’s post has since gone viral and received more than 23,000 likes and shared more than 9,000 times.

Today my faith in future generations was restored!! I had 7, 6th grade boys come in while I was working and they wanted…

Posted by Nicole Marie on Friday, January 10, 2020

Some of the best comments received were, “Zoomers are going to be the generation that saves the planet. I’m convinced!” said one. While another said, “This is how you treat people. I’m glad they care enough to be good versions of themselves. Props to them,” posted another. Some even appreciated the parents of the kids.

“I decided to post this on social media because it made me happy and I hoped it would make other people happy as well,” Nicole Marie said. “Adults can struggle with manners, so it made me feel really good at how respectful and well mannered these young boys were, especially without having anyone keeping an eye on them!”

Nicole said that she wanted the parents of the boys she served to see her post and be rest assured that their sons were growing up to be fine young men. We absolutely agree with Nicole Marie that these young boys are going to be role models for their generation in the future.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11