Bus Full of Marines Come To The Rescue Of A Woman Stranded In Flood Waters

The freedom and liberty we enjoy today are as a result of the sacrifices made by our brave men and women of the military who have dedicated their lives to protecting the country.

Recently a bus full of marines helped save the life of a woman stranded in floodwaters in Washington, D.C. after her vehicle was stuck in rising floodwaters.

marines help woman in flood

Virginia Waller-Torres was stuck in her car outside Arlington National Cemetery when a flash flood happened there on Sept. 16. Suddenly a bus pulled over and six Marines helped push her vehicle to safety.

Virginia recorded a video of the rescue and posted it on TikTok which has since gone viral. “Marine power!” Waller-Torres is heard saying in the video when six Marines helped push her car through knee-high floodwaters. “This is the most American thing ever.”

“If there’s anyone who’s going to help these people, it’d be us,” Cpl. Mitchell Wojtowicz, one of the Marines, said. “We were the right ones for the job and hopped out without hesitation.”

Waller-Torres again met with Wojtowicz and Cpl. Jared Tosner on Monday, they were the same ones who helped her out, they work with Marine Corps Body Bearers, a unit performing funeral services at Arlington,

“We figured it would be a good idea to just lend a helping hand and help out our fellow American,” Tosner said.

Waller-Torres said the rescue was personal to her as her grandfather was a World War II veteran and her dad served in the Navy during the Persian Gulf War. “It was something so different. It was something that I can’t explain in words,” she said, thanking the Marines. “I am so grateful.”

Tosner and Wojtowicz were modest about the incident and said that helping the woman out was the correct thing to do. “And if people just reciprocate that, and do good unto others, I think our country is headed in a good direction,” Tosner said.

Watch: Marines Rescue Woman Stranded In Flood Waters

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Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9