A Dying Grandfather’s Final Wish Is Granted To See His Beloved Dog

70-year-old Peter Robson was suffering from terminal cystic fibrosis. He was spending his final moments in the Ninewells Hospital in Dundee with his family. But he had one final wish before that happened – to see his dog named Shep for the last time. He got the border collie when the dog was a puppy.

After Robson lost his wife, Shep was his companion. So when the hospital staffs asked his family if there was anything from home they wanted to bring to the hospital before he passed away, they mentioned Shep. But they thought their request would never be granted because of infection control regulations. However, Robson’s nurses stepped into help grant his last wish.

The dog was brought to Robson’s bed, where he was able to say goodbye. Ashley Stevens, Robson’s granddaughter shared the touching story on social media, thanking his nurses for going above and beyond.

“Our grandad’s last and final wish was to see his dog one more time. Still in shock that the wish was granted and they went above and beyond today and made a dying man very happy,” Stevens wrote. Watch the heartwarming video below.

Verse of the Day

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

1 Peter 2:2-3