Man Sings To Baby Donkey And Cradling Her To Sleep

Just like a mother or father rock their baby to sleep, cameras caught a man singing to a donkey, cradling her to sleep. The story behind the picture will move you deeply.


Dawn Fagan captured the moment when her husband, Dean, cradled 10-day-old donkey Ivy in his arms while singing the Burt Bacharach classic, ‘What The World Needs Now Is Love.’

A new calling

The donkey foal, Ivy, looks relaxed and loves being rocked while songs are sung to her. The husband and wife discovered this new calling in life after they became empty-nesters.

They both work from their home in Ohio as recruiters for advertising executives on both the West and East coasts. With all their kids grown up and gone, they ended up rescuing a mini-donkey named Mr. Donker Donks. Rescuing donkeys is a passion for the couple. And with 67 acres of land, they continued adding more and more rescues to their crew. “It just brings so much pleasure to Dawn and me,” Dean explained.

Watch: Man Sings 10-Day-Old Donkey To Sleep

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Their offices look out over the pastures so they can keep an eye on the donkeys while they work on their day jobs. During lunch breaks, Dean, alongside his wife, cares for the donkeys, which often includes singing to a donkey or two. “They make great pets,” Dean says of donkeys. “They love human attention.” His wife added, “They are like dogs. They follow you around. Donkers comes in the house.”


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This is such a beautiful bond between man and donkey, and it’s so sweet to watch him sing and cradle the donkey. It has also strengthened the couple’s relationship while running a sanctuary. “We really enjoy each other’s company,” Dean explains. “We enjoy being together so having the responsibilities of the donkeys to us it’s fun.”

They have advice for everyone out there, “Just do what makes you happy,” Dawn Fagan advises. “I mean you only have so long, so make every day count.”

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11