Divine Intervention Helps Save Drowned Baby’s Life With CPR

It was divine intervention by God which saved a baby’s life, because the man that God used to save it’s life was not supposed to be at home, but miraculously Carlos Rodriguez was at his house that Monday, when he shouldn’t have been.

This godly man was home when a neighbour in deep trouble, rang his bell. He wasn’t officially trained, but prayed and performed CPR, standing right in front of a portrait of Jesus, and saved a dying baby’s life.

Carlos was on leave from work that week as he had family visiting from out of town, otherwise, Carlos would never have been at home, at that time normally.

Running down the street, Carlos’ neighbour was screaming for help, and she headed past several homes and entered Carlos’ home, which was divine intervention!

When Carlos opened the door and saw the neighbour standing on his porch in hysterics clutching her lifeless baby, he didn’t know that this scene would haunt him for many months.

The baby’s mother could manage to utter to Carlos only one word, “water.”

She had placed her 13-month-old son alone in the bathtub for just a moment, and when she returned, he was floating. He was completely lifeless. His body was a different colour. He was blue. He had no pulse.”

Carlos brought the baby into his house, and began silently praying, as he gave it CPR. He has never received official training but self-taught himself CPR by watching YouTube videos when he had his first child.

Soon, the first responders arrived and everybody agreed that Carlos had saved the baby’s life. “It was amazing. It was awesome just to look him in the eye and know that he’s alive,” said Rodriguez. “It’s probably one of the greatest moments in my life.”
Carlos later realised that he had taken the drowned baby in front of a portrait of Jesus Christ, and given it CPR there.

“God definitely had a big part in this,” Carlos said. “Later I asked her, ‘why did you come to my house’, and she said that God guided her here.”

Carlos says that it was a terrifying experience for him to see what could have happened to that poor baby. “I have three little kids,” Carlos said, “and just to have them lifeless and not know if they’re going to come back, it’s so scary.”

This incident has tormented Carlos so much that he has shuddered to give his own children baths for a while after the incident and now he has decided to use the traumatic events for good, he has shared his story, and 20 of his friends and family members went to get CPR certified!

He is encouraging everyone to become CPR certified. “I think it’s just so important to raise awareness about knowing how to do CPR, because like it happened to me. You just never know when you’re going to be in a position where you have to save a life,” Carlos said.

“Somebody could literally come to your door with a baby that’s lifeless and ask you for help,” he said.

Verse of the Day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28