Baby Born With an Adult-Sized Head Receives a Miracle


Lydia Born With Serious Brain Disorders

Lydia, the four-year-old always seems to be happy. But her parents know, the smile on her face is just a miracle. Lydia Rankin was born with an adult-sized head due to a rare brain disorder called Alobar Holoprosencephaly, in which the cerebral hemispheres are not separated during development. She also has hydrocephalus, a condition that causes excess fluid filled in the brain.


Faith of Lydia’s Parents

At the 20-week-ultrasound, Lydia’s parents Ruth and Paul received the shocking news from the doctors that their baby girl would not survive the birth. Doctors recommended to terminate the pregnancy, but the couple decided to continue with their faith. Lydia was born in May 2011, with a head that weighed 11 pounds. Doctors concluded she would be lucky to live a few weeks.


God Does The Miracle!

Despite doctor’s predictions, the miracle baby just kept defying the odds. Ruth and Paul quit their jobs to provide full time care and love for their sweet baby.

“It has been a rollercoaster. We’ve been told three times in her life she was going to die but she’s a strong ox. She inspires all of us and her strength keeps us alive,” her proud mom shared.

Her parents had been told three times that she was going to die. But the little fighter has been proving that she is still a miracle. Now Lydia, the miracle baby is 4-years-old, she is the hope and inspiration of the entire family.

“She is our miracle. Paul is my rock and we are just living each day as it comes,” her mom says “From day one he said, ‘Ruth, I just know she is going to be with us for a long time.’”


The Smiling Beauty

“Lydia loves life. She smiles all day long. She’s amazing.”

Lydia is unable to walk, talk or eat without a feeding tube, because her brain is not sending signals to rest of the body due to the disorder. She has undergone more than 40 surgeries.


“Every day Paul and I wake up with Lydia we think: ‘Yes!’ We might not get her to five years old, we might not get her to six, but we live for now and take each day as it comes.”

Despite all the challenges she has been facing, Lydia always keeps a smile on her face. The entire family including her three siblings is completely devoted to the sweet girl. Lydia’s beautiful smile and twinkling eyes gives them joy and strength to keep going.

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Verse of the Day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28