3-Year-Old Girl Prays For The World In Adorable Video

As the world continues to battle the Coronavirus and many other diseases, the heartwarming prayer of a little girl for those affected by the pandemic has gone viral.


The 3-year-old girl named Arya prays for everybody affected by the COVID-19 and is praying to ‘papa God’ from her heart.

She prays for the victims of the pandemic and their loved ones left behind.

She also prays for all those who are alone and are crying for their loved ones who have died from the pandemic.

For those who have no home and no money to feed their families.

She also prays for the doctors and nurses who are fighting the virus on the frontlines.

The little girl also remembers the military and the police who are fighting for the country day and night.

What a beautiful prayer by this little girl who has not seen much of the world yet but knows how to pray so well at such a young age.

Psalms 8:2 “God ordains strength out of the mouth of babes and suckling.”

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Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9