Little Girl Dresses Up As Elsa And Sings ‘Let It Go’ From Frozen

Elsa from Frozen 2, has become a national obsession, as every little girl wants to dress up and be like their idol Elsa. For adults, snowstorms would mean nothing but a headache, but for children, it is a magical time when school days are off and they can let their imagination run wild.

Madelyn, a toddler is also a big fan of Elsa and recently warmed hearts singing “Let It Go,” from the popular movie “Frozen.” In a video shared by Madelyn’s mother, Kristi Michele, it showed Madelyn decked out in Elsa’s costume and all excited about the winter weather.


“Madelyn finally got some snow to do her scene,” Kristi wrote on Facebook. Madelyn wore her long Elsa dress and gloves with her hair neatly braided just like the animated Elsa. She also wore her tiara and ran outdoors to sing “Let It Go,” while snow fell down over her head.

She was so excited to be in the snow that she ripped off her gloves and tossed them into the snow, she then threw some snow into the air and walked about the snow-covered lawn, like as if she was Broadway star Idina Menzel herself. No wonder the video got 23 million views by Friday morning.

“Still in shock of how many views my little actress has gotten!!!” Madelyn’s proud mother wrote on Facebook. “My little star.”

But some viewers were critical about the young girl playing in the cold winter snow, which made Kristi address it on social media as well. “Thanks for all the love for my sweet girl! I’m shocked there’s so many views!!” Kristi wrote.


“And for all the negative ppl it was less than two min and she refused to ruin her costume with a jacket! I warmed my little angel up immediately after.. don’t worry lol.” As Madelyn would probably say to her critics: “Let It Go.”

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11