Mom Catches 2-Year-Old Stealing Entire Block of Cheese And Her Reaction Will Make You Laugh

I think it’s just a trip to b and q for locks on kitchen door now before Harriets 15 stone aged 4.

Posted by Alicia Lily Annable on Saturday, November 10, 2018

Who doesn’t love cheese? I mean the very mention of it makes people salivate, such is it’s power that even two-year-old Harriet is a huge fan of cheese.

Harriet’s mom, Alicia Lily Annable, recently shared a Facebook video which went viral immediately, it shows little Harriet stealing some cheese from the fridge in her home.

Harriet took out an entire block of cheese and ran straight for the staircase.

The video shows her sitting down calmly and chowing down ecstatically.

Mom was on the scene in an instant “My fridge is open,” she said, “Have you been in there?”

“No,” insisted Harriet, and continued chowing down her cheese.

Annable then said the obvious. “You’re holding a block of cheese,” she stated in a stern and amused parental voice.

Where ugo? Mommy Hugo school? Ugo where are you?

Literally all I get why he’s gone in afternoon, then this is her little face when it’s time to fetch him ♥️

Posted by Alicia Lily Annable on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

But that too did not deter Harriet as she continued with gusto. “Stop eating it,” Mom demanded, displaying the half-eaten cheese chunk for the camera.

The hungry little girl was still determined not to give back the cheese, even as her mom said, “Give it to Mommy,” while Harriet hugged her prize to her tiny chest.

We thoroughly enjoyed the video and especially those blissful expressions of Harriet as she enjoys eating cheese and is not at all bothered by her mom recording her, or her demands.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15