How This Little Boy Bought Mom Her Dream Christmas Gift Is The Best Thing You’ll Read All Day

Christmas is the most precious time of the year when there is an outpouring of love and exchange of gifts as an expression of thanksgiving.

The most excited ones at this season are the little children and since they don’t have much cash on them, their gifts are mostly handmade which are loved and appreciated so much by their parents and grandparents.

Gabe is a young man who wanted to buy his mom a special gift for Christmas. His mom who is known as El Marie on Facebook, shared a post on their unusual shopping trip before Christmas, where they went to Target on Christmas Eve morning. A lady in the checkout lane, told her, “Your son is something special,” she said. “He is an absolute angel!”

She continues, “Then, as I approached the checkout, I noticed three or four employees scurrying around, and giving me sly looks,” she said, “One was carrying a roll of wrapping paper. Gabe comes running over to me with ‘Mom, don’t look. Dont come yet. I’m not through with your gift yet.’”

She knew her son did not have any cash on him and asked him, “What are you talking about, Boy?” she asked. “You dont have any money.” He replied, “I just need that $20 I made from working at your job last week,” he said and she handed it to him while onlookers smiled knowingly as if they knew something she didn’t.

Even the cashier told her she had an amazing son and after she was done at the store, she met Gabe at the door who was carrying a big, wrapped box. She was surprised to hear him say, “Mom, I heard you say you wanted this,” he said. “I hope you love it when you open it on Christmas.”

She knew that Target did not gift wrap presents and also asked him how he could afford it, so he told her, “I didnt want you to see it so the people wrapped it. I want it to be a surprise.”

Soooooo, ummm. . . while at Target this morning Gabe announced that he was going to go see if they still had the gift he…

Posted by El Marie on Monday, December 24, 2018

She penned down what happened next on her Facebook saying, Gabe told her “When they rang it up it was $80,” he said. “I didnt have that much, and I told them I wanted to get you this surprise, so a lady in line behind me paid the other $60.”

Posted by El Marie on Tuesday, December 25, 2018

She struggled to believe what he told her and and asked him if he thanked the lady who gave him the money, he said, “Yes, Mom. . I hugged her, I thanked her a whole bunch, and I said ‘God bless you.’”

Posted by El Marie on Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Gabe took a video of his mom opening her Christmas present on Christmas day, it turned out that he had noticed his mom’s winter coat was a little worse for wear, and he had heard her commenting on one of the nice ones she had seen in Target, and decided that was what he would get her for Christmas.

Because of a stranger’s kindness, Gabe could buy his mom a dream present for Christmas.

Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,”

Philippians 1:29