Little Boy Brings Mom To Tears With Kind Gesture To Her 2-Year-Old Daughter

A little boy brought a young mum to tears after his act of kindness to her 2-year-old daughter at a restaurant.


24-year-old, Sophie Crehan, was in the Lymewood Farm restaurant in Haydock on Sunday afternoon for a family weekend treat along with her two children, George, five, and Florence, two.

The St Helens resident said that the restaurant has a little children’s play area and she was on the grabbing machines and was trying to win a pink and purple teddy for her little girl.

She said, “I had a go three times but failed – I just couldn’t do it. There was a little boy who stood next to me watching me do it. I said ‘it’s your turn now, you can have a go’.

She continued, “I came back to the table to eat my dinner, and shortly after the little boy came over and said ‘I’ve just won it for your little girl’. “I said ‘you don’t need to do that’ and he said ‘no no, I’ve won it’ I was nearly in tears it was such a nice thing to do.”

The boy was around 10 years old, and he presented her daughter, Florence, with the purple and pink cuddly toy. Sophie said: “She was saying, ‘thank you, thank you!’ “I saw him go back to his table where he was sat. I took £2 out of my purse and went and give it to him and said ‘thanks very much’.

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“His parents were like, ‘what’s happened?’ So I explained what had happened and said ‘he’s a lovely little boy’.” She added: “My little girl is only two and she really wanted it. And if she didn’t get something all hell would have broken loose. “She even took it bed with her last night to cuddle it.”

Sophie later shared the incident on a St Helen’s Facebook group, which received over a thousand likes and many people leaving sweet comments on the boy’s kind gesture.

The world could use a little more kindness especially with the year we just had. It is so easy to be all caught up in our own routine and everyday personal worries that sometimes we don’t even look at those around us.

The young boy could have kept the cute teddy for himself but he decided to give it away to the little girl in a random act of kindness that is encouraging us all to pass the compassion on. A small act goes a long way.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15