Mother Of Four On Life Support Miraculously Wakes Up As Family Was About To Pull The Plug

A mom-of-four on life support miraculously woke up after doctors had told her family to ‘pull the plug’.


When it comes to the health of your loved ones, it is the hardest thing to give up on them even if the doctor tells you to.

But we know that our lives are in the hands of the almighty God and He will never let us down, just like He preserved the life of Lisa Martin’s when her family was about to pull the plug on her.

Lisa received a negative result on a rapid COVID-19 test, but she knew that she had contracted the virus. Meanwhile, her husband, Jeff, was COVID-19 positive but was doing pretty good on medication.

Lisa began running a fever and had painful breathing and on the advice of a family friend, she arrived at the emergency room and had no idea that she wouldn’t be going home for 3 months.

She was bravely fighting the virus when things took a turn for the worse and she was intubated for 59 days. For 40 of those days, she was in a coma and also had a stroke.

Her health was fast deteriorating and the medical team believed she would not be going home. Her miraculous story of surviving the odds touched her medical team so much that they shared it on social media.

“On Oct. 20, Lisa was comatose, her eyes fixed. The hospital called in her family to say goodbye. But they decided to give it 11 days before making a decision about removing her from the ventilator that was breathing for her. But God had other plans,” the hospital posted on their Facebook page.

It is evidenced through the Bible that God has the power to heal our physical bodies. Miraculous healings are still happening today.

Even after she woke up she wasn’t completely well, her medical team suggested a lung transplant for her, “She’ll never make it with those lungs. She’s going to need a lung transplant to live.”

But Jeff said that Lisa’s will suggested that no such measure should be taken and the physician then said, “We will do what we can.” Jeff replied, “You do what you can do, and we’ll ask God to do the rest!”

And God did show up and not only healed her body, but Lisa was cleared to go home, with the hospital calling Lisa their “miracle patient.” They shared a video of Lisa leaving the hospital as staff members cheered her.

A miracle to end the year – Lisa Martin goes home

New Year’s Eve has even more significance this year for miracle patient Lisa Martin and her husband, Jeff. Lisa is going home for the first time since Sept. 27 when she was admitted to the Memorial Satilla Health ER with complications from COVID-19. Her amazing journey includes 59 days on a ventilator, 40 days in an induced coma and surviving a frontal lobe stroke. On Oct. 20, Lisa was comatose, her eyes fixed. The hospital called in her family to say goodbye. They decided to give it 11 days before making a decision about removing her from the ventilator that was breathing for her. But God had other plans. On the eleventh day, Lisa broke through the sedatives and began tracking Jeff with her eyes and she moved her hand. After that, she was transferred to two other hospitals (including our sister facility, Memorial Health in Savannah) to progress her care before coming to Memorial Satilla Rehabilitation on Dec. 14 for her final rehabilitation days before going home. We will be sharing a more in-depth version of Lisa’s story. Happy New Year!

Posted by Memorial Satilla Health on Thursday, December 31, 2020

“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” ~ Jeremiah 17:14

Verse of the Day

“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4