Owner Of The Lincoln Tunnel Motel Goes Viral After Giving Out Rooms For Free

A heartwarming story of kindness is capturing the heart of Americans across the country at a time when people are losing faith in humanity. The son of immigrants and owner of The Lincoln Tunnel Motel of New Jersey has gone viral after he was caught giving out motel rooms for free to people in need.


The Father of four, Brian Acosta Arya, inherited the motel from his dad who bought it after he immigrated from India. He said his dad worked really hard to provide for his family, but along with that he educated them on the importance of being kind to others in trouble.

Today, Brian Acosta Arya is following in his dad’s footsteps by helping people in need as he knows that all things come from the Father of Lights and so even if he cannot pay his own bills, he knows there will be a way found.

When he is asked about what motivates him to be kind to others, he said, “To turn your head away from unhoused people or people who are out in the street is the opposite of what we should be doing.” He continued, “I’m empathetic to people who really are honest with me, telling me their situation. I try to help them out the best I can.”

Now he has launched a TikTok page to talk about what he does on a daily basis at the Lincoln Tunnel Motel, he said, “What we’re doing here and what we’ve always done at the Lincoln Tunnel Motel is help people,” he said. Arya posts videos adding a dash of humor to it which has helped him gain followers including the attention of celebrities like Kelly Clarkson who recently invited him to her show.

The show was an opportunity for Brian Acosta Arya to share how he inherited the Motel from his dad who immigrated from India and the valuable lessons his dad taught him on kindness and helping people pay their bills if they couldn’t do so.

Many people were inspired by what Arya shared on the show and through his videos because there is nothing more important in the world than providing people with food and shelter.

He is truly carrying his dad’s legacy forward through his acts of kindness and is inspiring generations with his selfless behavior. We pray that our heavenly Father rewards him richly for his generosity and compassion for people who have needs.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

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Verse of the Day

“However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—”

1 Corinthians 2:9