Young Boy Diagnosed With Leukemia Donates Toys To Other Sick Patients

At a time when he should receive care and be taken care of, a young boy is helping kids in hospital to feel better, one toy at a time.

Team BAM! formed last year by a 9-year-old boy Ben Manzi and his mother, has delivered over 1,000 toys, games and books to Baystate Children’s Hospital in Springfield Friday.

Ben has been diagnosed with leukemia since he was just six-years-old.

Ben’s mom, Kati Otero, said that giving back to the community is important to them because of the tremendous help they received from the community during their time of need.

“He wanted to make sure the other kids had help too, that they had rewards for going through hard times and that they could feel better,” Otero said.

Team BAM! is on a mission to organize fundraisers which will benefit local children with cancer and also support research on childhood leukemia.

We salute Ben and his mom’s resolve to put their own pain aside and be a blessing to many others. God bless them!

Verse of the Day

“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.”

Acts 4:10,12