A Cappella Rendition Of ‘Let The Lower Lights Be Burning’ Reminds Us To Trust In God

Andrew Tomlin sings a beautiful a cappella rendition of the Christian hymn, ‘Let The Lower Lights Be Burning.’


Andrew Tomlin says that he is a song leader in the church of Christ in Middle Tennessee, he says on his official YouTube channel,”My passion lies in singing and making melody in my heart to the Lord and I desire to share and encourage others through God’s Word in song. I make these recordings by simply singing all four parts into my iPhone and “layering” them over each other in unison, that’s it!”

‘Let the Lower Lights Be Burning’ was written and composed by Philip P. Bliss (1871) is a beautiful reminder to each of us that we should trust in the Master because He will take care of our lives but we should keep our lives burning for Him and His word.

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Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,”

Philippians 1:29