Thirsty Koala Begs Cyclists For Water, As Australia Bushfires Wipe Out A Third Of The Species

Moving footage of a cyclist feeding water to a thirsty koala is highlighting the desperate condition of animals in the wildfires in Australia.


Koalas are known to be shy creatures but when this animal is dying of thirst, it did not shy away from approaching human beings for a drink of water.

According to news reports, about 30 percent of koalas have already been killed in the South Australia bushfires. “Up to 30 percent of the koalas in the region may have been killed because up to 30 percent of their habitat has been destroyed… We’ll know more when the fires are calmed down and a proper assessment can be made,” Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley said.


The animal almost got run over by cyclists who gave it much needed water in the boiling 40C heat in Adelaide.

The clip shows the extremely parched Koala Bear come close to the cyclists and lap up as much water as it could get, climbing up the bikes to get to the bottles. (Scroll down to watch the video)


The Koalas are being forced out of their hiding because of the wildfires which have killed thousands of the species whose numbers are already low.


The numbers based on a report suggest that three million hectares of New South Wales alone was burned up and as many as half a billion of animals have died in the fires. 19 people are reportedly killed and as many as 28 are missing.

Photo by Manny Carabel/WireImage/Getty Images

Our hearts go out to the people and animals in the Australian wildfire and we pray that God has mercy on them and sends the much needed rain to relieve their condition.

Watch: Firefighter gives water to thirsty Koala during Australia bushfires

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9