KFC Surprises Single Mom Who Walked To Work Everyday With A New Car

A single mom from Salem, Oregon, who works at KFC received the surprise of a lifetime from her colleagues.


Crystal Lachance is a dedicated mom and employee and for a full year she had to walk to and from work— an hour a day.

Her coworkers wanted to do something special in recognition of her commitment. So, they nominated her for a “Kentucky Fried Wishes” award, which is given to KFC employees by the KFC Foundations.

Her boss, Miranda, nominated her for a “Kentucky Fried Wishes” award – and she won a prize she desperately needed. “I went to work this morning and got surprised with a brand new car,” she wrote on Facebook Tuesday. “Apparently, my boss Miranda entered me in a drawing a few months ago and I won this brand new car.”

Lachance said it made her day, and posted photos of herself and her coworkers with the new car, decorated with a big red row. “I have been struggling a lot this year but haven’t gave [sic] up and have been working very hard,” her post continues. “I finally went in and got my permit and have been trying to save up to buy a car.”

I went to work this morning and got surprised with a brand new car apparently my boss Miranda entered me in a drawing a…

Posted by Crystal Lachance on Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lachance said that for a year, she had to walk to work an hour each way. But now with this gift, she and her 9-year-old son, Rhys, can go to any place they want to.

KFC Foundation also paid six months of insurance for Lachance, she revealed in her Facebook post. “I feel so blessed today and I just love my job and my boss Miranda, she seriously is the best boss ever!”

The single mom and her son love the surprise KFC Foundation gave them, and now their life must be so blessed, all thanks to the KFC owner.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11