NFL Star Reads Scripture Over Newborn Daughter in Moving Video

New Orleans Saints tight end Juwan Johnson inspired thousands on social media when he read Scripture from Proverbs 31 over his wife Chan and their newborn daughter in the hospital.

juwan johnson reads scripture

Many pro athletes grab headlines for their sports achievements, but Johnson’s choice to honor God as a new father touches our hearts differently.

As parents and believers, we know that building a family on God’s Word matters more than any worldly success. His simple act of reading Scripture in that hospital room shows us what real family leadership looks like.

In a touching video shared on Instagram, Johnson stood by his wife’s hospital bed and read from Proverbs 31:28-30: “Her husband also praises her. Many women do noble deeds, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.” He finished by reading, “Give her the reward of her labor.

Johnson’s faith shows up all over his social media. His Instagram bio reads “Salvation > circumstances,” while his X profile states “Jesus over everything else.” He even lists his location as “God’s Direction.

On “The Sports Spectrum Podcast,” Johnson talked about why he chose this message. “We’re always looking and asking for God for something. ‘Oh, like, you’re not doing this for me, not doing that for me. Man, I wish you could take this off my plate,'” he said.

Johnson explained that instead of just asking God for things, we should focus on knowing God Himself, just like Jesus did when He prayed for God’s will to be done.

The Johnsons shared their faith journey during the pregnancy too. Earlier in October, Chan posted another video where Juwan read the Bible to help calm her fears before giving birth. She later wrote that it turned out to be her “easiest birth yet.”

Johnson also uses his position as an NFL player to help others grow. He spoke to students at Warren Easton High School in New Orleans about being good leaders, eating right, and becoming better people both in sports and life. Through the Saints’ “My Cause My Cleats” program, students who show these good qualities will get special shoes and tickets to a game.

The video of Johnson reading Scripture got almost 100,000 likes, with many people praising his actions. One person wrote, “That scripture is an ode to women and he did exactly what it was intended for. Praising and honoring his wife with it. A wise man of God.”

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Another said, “Such an inspiration! THIS is what makes yall a power couple! Not the money yall make or the fame BUT THIS RIGHT HERE! Always giving it all to God!”

Chan Johnson shares their faith journey too, with her Instagram bio saying “To Him who is able” with praying hands. Together, they show how putting God first matters more than anything else in life.

This story shows us what it means to lead a family God’s way. When Johnson said, “This is how I wanna lead my girls,” he meant more than just words – he showed it through his actions. Both Juwan and Chan Johnson prove that living for God matters more than fame or success.

We need more people like Johnson who aren’t afraid to show their faith in public. His example reminds us that reading the Bible and praying together as a family brings God’s blessing.

Let’s follow his lead and make God’s Word the foundation of our homes too.

WATCH: NFL Star Juwan Johnson Reads Scripture Over Newborn Daughter

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2


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