Abandoned by His Own Parents for his Appearance, Now He’s an Inspiration to Many

Jonathan “Jono” Lancaster, a man from West Yorkshire, England, was only 36 hours old when his parents abandoned him. Born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a rare genetic condition affecting the development of facial bones and tissues, he was viewed as different, and his appearance caused his birth parents to react in horror. “My birth parents were horrified by my appearance,” Lancaster shared with the BBC. However, his journey was far from over.

jonathan lancaster story

In the face of adversity, rejection, and hardship, Lancaster, the man with the “little Bart Simpson ears” refused to let his circumstances define him. Instead, he embraced his unique qualities with humor and openness, transforming his story into one of hope, perseverance, and faith.

Lancaster was adopted at the age of 5 by a loving social worker named Jean, who fostered him along with other children with disabilities. Despite facing bullying during his high school years, and experiencing deep struggle with accepting his appearance, Jono managed to find a silver lining. “Looking back at high school, I have so many amazing memories,” he said, “The older kids would pull their eyes down. They would sing or make chants up about myself.” he shared acknowledging the pain but choosing to focus on the good.

The pain deepened as he grew older and saw his peers finding love and companionship, something he yearned for but found elusive. The anguish led him to a “really, really dark and angry place,” a time during which he reached out to his birth parents. The response was a bitter pill to swallow: “We do not wish any contact. Further attempts will be ignored.” Yet, Lancaster did not let this rejection deter him.

In an unexpected turn, Lancaster while delivering a speech at a school about his condition, he was approached by children who shared their own struggles with bullying, abandonment, and living with grandparents. “Right there, in that playground, I was like: ‘I need to do more of this,'” he said. His faith, coupled with these children’s stories, moved him towards a path of service and empathy.

Propelled by the raw human connections he formed, Lancaster founded the Love Me Love My Face Foundation, an organization aimed at supporting and raising awareness for those living with craniofacial conditions. He has also been an active voice on social media, discussing how the media portrays individuals with facial differences and expressing his admiration for movies like Edward Scissorhands for their authentic depictions.

The resilience and unyielding spirit of Lancaster is perhaps best encapsulated in his forthcoming book, “Not All Heroes Wear Capes”. As he shared with the BBC, the book is about “the heroes that I’ve met in my life, and how ultimately, I became my own biggest hero.”

In his life and work, Jono Lancaster brings a message of hope and love, highlighting the inherent worth of every individual, irrespective of their physical differences. As he often shares with his Instagram followers, “Ultimately, you can become your own biggest hero.”

2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15