Double-Amputee Marine Vet Gets Arm Transplants And Throws Out 1st Pitch

Many of us have read science fiction stories where victims of terrorist attacks who lose their limbs, get them back through processes of hyper-advanced prostheses. But in reality it is not that easy and it it is quite rare as well.

Marine Sgt. John Peck was at his base in Afghanistan in the year 2010, when tragically he stepped on an improvised explosive device resulting in Peck losing three of his limbs and the doctor had to amputate the remainder of his left arm as well.

While recovering at the Walter Reed Hospital, Peck found out that one successful limb transplant was already done for him and then he contacted Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and informed them that he wanted a transplant.

Although Peck cleared all the hospital’s tests, he had to wait a really long time for proper donor limbs to be available. However, in the year 2016, after a gruelling 13-hour surgery, Peck got two new arms.

Peck had to persevere intense physical therapy, and after two years the transplanted limbs were still not functioning properly. He can do basic things for himself like taking a shower, driving, cooking and dressing up.

But wait, that’s not all he can do, because like every year, the Rockland Boulders baseball team has a military appreciation night and veteran Marine Barry Fixler arranged for Peck and his wife to fly to Pomona, New York, so that Peck would have a chance to throw out the first pitch.

As Peck heaved the ball across the plate with a firm underhand toss, Fixler said that he was his hero and he wanted all the people at the military appreciation night to meet him and appreciated him for not having any resentments in his heart for whatever happened to him in Afghanistan.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4