3 Important Lessons To Learn From The Life Of Job

As we approach the end times, there are lots of things we can learn from the life of Job. His sufferings, abandonment from friends and family members, loss of his wealth, physical, mental, and emotional devastation. All these things will be found common among some of the believers today.

Job life lessons

This is because Satan will try everything to stop the believers from obeying the words of God. But as we study the book of Job we can be able to stand strong in the midst of any challenging situations and know that our God is with us and will deliver us from any kind of problem.

We will receive strength and encouragement to live for God because ‘He who has called us is faithful and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.’ Hebrews 11:6.

Be strong and courageous, if you are facing a difficult situation in your life right now, just know that you are not alone, God will remember you as He remembered Job and will bless you at the due time.

1. Always Intercede for your children and family members

In the book of Job will learn that Job is a blameless man before God but yet he always intercedes for the sins of his children and his own sin also. He repented of his own sins and even offered sacrifices for his children. (Job 1:1-5).

Repentance is important for us in these last days we are living in. For this is one of the ways we will be able to live righteously before the Lord.

We have to examine ourselves and repent of any sin we have committed against God. Be eager to intercede for the sins of your children and ask God for forgiveness on behalf of your children.

2. Having the attitude of worship in hard times

Job’s response when he lost everything he had including his children is something that we all have to learn from. The Bible says that he didn’t utter anything wrong from his mouth but instead worshipped God.

This is a difficult thing for us to do in our difficult moments, when we find ourselves in hopeless situations, Job shows his heart toward God when he says that God gives and God takes.

He is the one who has given us all things, everything we have is from Him, so we have to worship Him both in good times and in bad times also. May God stir our hearts so that even in the face of great loss our response is truly that of worship. Job didn’t worship out of gratitude, but rather out of a relationship with God.

3. Trust God no matter what and know that he has drawn boundaries around your lives

God has wisdom and understanding. No matter how confused you are or how overwhelmed life is making you, He is not confused or scared or unable. He is GOD. (Job 12:13)

Job had so many friends but he didn’t adhere to the advice of his friends. He chose to put his hope in God and trust Him for every situation of his life. This is a very important aspect of our journey with God.

We have to believe that He is able to do what He has said about us. He is always with us to guide, lead, deliver, and restore whatever the devil has taken from us. As He restored to Job a hundred-fold, He will restore and bless us in every area of our lives that we may have experienced losses.

God’s protection is upon our lives and He will not allow the enemy to destroy our life, He has set boundaries where the enemy cannot reach us. God is in charge of our lives and His grace is sufficient for us.

Image Attribution: Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing

Verse of the Day

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.”

1 Timothy 2:5-6