A group of children touches hearts with their inspiring Easter song ‘Jesus the Christ’ written by Carrie Yost.
We all know how pure a child’s faith can be. Jesus himself said we should become like little children in our faith. These young singers show us what this means.
The song starts with two children singing together before more kids and teens join in. Their beautiful voices carry the Easter message straight to our hearts.
The video description makes their purpose clear: “This Easter we BOLDLY and POWERFULLY testify of the life, purpose, ministry and sacrifice of, ‘Jesus the Christ’.”
The song tells the story of Jesus – birth, His teachings, His death on the cross, and His victory over death.
The most moving part comes when they sing the words from John: “Greater love hath no man than this, than he who laid his life down for his friend.”
The song builds to a powerful ending with the children declaring “Jesus the Christ” three times, driving home the message of who Jesus is and what He did for us.
WATCH: Children Sing Inspiring Easter Song ‘Jesus the Christ’
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