‘I Saw His Beautiful Face’: Woman Dies After Suicidal Attempt, Meets Jesus, Then Returns To Live For Him

A woman who attempted to take her own life claims that she was interrupted by Jesus Christ who convinced her to continue living and follow Him.


The woman, Mercedes Suero suffers from depression and had ingested a potent pesticide. She was rushed to hospital with strong stomach pains, and bleak hopes of survival.

She said: “My chest was burning and stomach was destroying my soul inside.” She went into a coma due to ingesting the harsh pesticide.

“I started foaming at the mouth and I was taken to hospital where blood started pouring from my nose and mouth.” After that she passed out and was left in the corridor by doctors who thought she died.

She says she had an out of body experience where she met and spoke with Jesus Christ.

She said Jesus convinced her to carry on and not give up on life. She added, “I saw his beautiful face, with his long hair over his shoulders, and I thought he must be Jesus.

“He told me that he forgives me, but I had to come back and follow in his footsteps.” Mercedes was in coma for six days due to the suicide attempt, and has suffered permanent organ damage due to it as well.


But the words of Jesus has had a profound impact on her and she has vowed to continue spreading the word of God.

She also said: “Jesus Christ is the truth, he only wants people to follow in his footsteps. She exhorts everyone saying, “I invite everybody who wants to come with me to preach the word of Jesus.”

She said, “Everybody who feels desperate should bend the knee and ask the Lord to protect them.”

Doctors at the Doctor Alejandro Cabral Hospital in the Dominican Republic said Mercedes’ heart never stopped during the time she was in hospital.


Doctor Noris Cedeno in an interview said “We received a patient with breathing difficulties and tachycardia, she was very nervous and she suffered severe convulsions. She was helped, treated and then stabilized.”

Mercedes’ life was transformed completely after an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. He said in His word to be ready because He is coming back very soon, and as we hear of people having encounters with Jesus increasingly all over the world, we know it is time to prepare for His second coming.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15