Jesus Is With You In Sickness And In Health

Jesus is with us in our broken world. Whether it’s coronavirus, cancer, or diabetes.

Jesus Is With You In Sickness And In Health

The world is not whole, nothing is in its place. COVID-19 has gripped people’s hearts with fear, completely rehauling the familiar system that we were so accustomed to.

Where is Jesus?

We often find this question creeping up in our minds, “Where do you think Jesus is in all of this?” This question was also asked by King David in the book of Psalms, “Wake up, O LORD! Why do you sleep?” (Ps. 44), and “Why, LORD, do you reject me and hide your face from me?” (Ps. 88).

Life is very hard, and we don’t have all the answers but our advocate, Jesus Christ is weeping over us to the Father. He is not numb to the brokenness of the world. We may have become numb to the suffering all around us, but Jesus’s heart breaks more for the sickness, loss, and death, because not all is well, and is not set right.

Jesus is Weeping

In John 11 we read of Jesus weeping over the death of Lazarus, also weeping over the grief of his friends, Mary and Martha.

He wasn’t powerless but because He loves His friends and feels for them so deeply. He is the same, He still weeps for those he loves. Even as He sits at the right hand of the Father, His heart beats for His followers.

Jesus is Working.

Jesus is showing us through all the lockdown and quarantine that we were never in control and are not in control at all. He is showing us that we all need each other. We cannot make it through the situation on our own but need a whole community to get through life situations together.

Come back to Him

All of us who are married to our jobs and work, and attempt to find our worth in our work, the quarantine looks like a forced rest. God has reset our lives and changed our relationship with work and our families. This is the time to rectify your broken relationships with your family and make new friendships in the community.

God is teaching us to learn to give ourselves and our time to others around us. Even as we live in this painful phase of disruption in our lives, we can still have the calm assurance that He is still God (Ps. 46:10).

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9