Luke Bryan Sings Moving Christian Song ‘Jesus ‘Bout My Kids’

Luke Bryan, country music star and American Idol judge, shares his journey of faith and family in the new music video for ‘Jesus ‘Bout My Kids’.

jesus bout my kids luke bryan

As parents, we have the important job of helping our children grow in faith. It’s a rewarding task, but it can be tough as our kids get older and start making their own choices. Bryan’s heartfelt song speaks to this common experience. It reminds us how powerful prayer is and shows the deep love of both earthly parents and our Heavenly Father.

‘Jesus ‘Bout My Kids’ captures how a parent’s role changes in their child’s faith journey. The lyrics show a parent trying hard to teach their young ones about faith, just like their own parents did for them. The chorus says it well:

I used to talk to my kids about Jesus
The same way that my mom and daddy did
I used to talk to my kids about Jesus
Now I talk to Jesus ’bout my kids

This shift is something many parents face as their children grow up.

In the video, Bryan’s performance is both personal and moving. The simple setting lets the song’s message shine. As he sings, you can see real emotion in his eyes, showing how deeply he feels about his children’s faith.

The first verse talks about the early years of being a parent. It’s when we eagerly share Bible stories and try to answer our kids’ questions about God. Bryan sings:

When they’re born, you dive right in
Trying like hell to get ’em born again
Pull out them Bible stories, then you stumble your way through

As the song goes on, it touches on the hard parts of parenting older kids. The second verse describes how tough it is when kids start to think they know everything:

You lose your grip the more they grow
They won’t listen ’cause they think they know
And you watch ’em going down a dead-end road, and you can’t stop ’em
Lord, please watch ’em

Many parents will relate to the pain of seeing their kids make choices that go against what they’ve taught.

The bridge of the song turns into a prayer, asking God to guide our children:

Guide ’em as they go
‘Cause if anyone does, You know
Along the straight and narrow
All the places they could fall

This part shows how we move from teaching our kids about faith to trusting God to watch over them.

Throughout the song, Bryan stresses how important it is to teach kids about Jesus from a young age. This fits with what the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The song reminds us that even if we don’t see results right away, the faith we plant in our kids can grow in God’s perfect timing.

Let this song encourage us to keep nurturing our children’s faith, even as they grow and make their own choices. As we face the ups and downs of being parents, let’s remember to keep talking – both with our kids and with our Heavenly Father.

When we worry or doubt, may we find comfort in prayer, talking to Jesus about our kids and trusting His unfailing love and guidance for their lives.

WATCH: Luke Bryan Sings ‘Jesus ‘Bout My Kids’

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Verse of the Day

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.”

Proverbs 29:25


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