2 Gospel Music Groups Perform Breathtaking A Cappella Cover Of ‘It Is Well With My Soul’

Jehovah Shalom Acapella and The Allens teamed up for a beautiful anointed cover of the Christian hymn ‘It Is Well With My Soul.’

It is well with my soul a cappella

Jehovah Shalom Acapella is an all-male a cappella group from Uganda and is a Golden Buzzer and Finalist in East Africa’s Got Talent show.

Today this Multi-Award Winning (HIPIPO Music awards) group is singing to uplift people everywhere with their spin on various gospel songs.

A surprise visit by the Allens from the USA to this acapella group in Uganda turned into a fellowship, which they’re sharing with their YouTube family.

‘It Is Well’ was written by Horatio Spafford and composed by Philip Bliss. Spafford wrote the song after experiencing a spate of personal tragedies in his life after he lost his young son and the next was the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, which ruined him financially.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to knowa
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

He sent his family to England with his family as he was delayed on business, while crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sea vessel which caused all four of Spafford’s daughters to die, and only his wife Anna survived.

It is well, (it is well),
With my soul, (with my soul)
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

The song reminds us that no matter what happens in our life, it is well because our peace and joy do not depend on earthly things but our source is our heavenly father.

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Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,”

Philippians 1:29