Revival Breaks Out In Islamic Republic Of Iran As Hundreds Of Thousands Come To Jesus

It may come as a surprise to you, but hundreds of thousands of people are coming to Christ in Iran. Jesus is building His church and there is a great revival sweeping through the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Christianity is illegal in Iran and Christians face a lot of persecution at the hand of the authorities for becoming believers. But despite all this, huge numbers of Muslims are leaving Islam and turning to Jesus Christ.

“Right now you can see the results of the Holy Spirit,” Raizal, a believer in Iran, said. “From 1994, there were about 100,000 believers. Right now, there are over 3 million. You can see what the Holy Spirit is doing with the people.”

As churches are banned in Iran, the Christians are using the Internet and Skype to connect to churches in the United States, Germany, and Canada.

“The main church is my house, and through the Internet, I connect to everybody,” Raizal said. “That’s why it’s become like an Internet church.”


The Church in Iran is the world’s fastest growing one and in spite of it being located in the heavily persecuted region of the Middle East. But now many believers are fleeing to Turkey to live safely and freely as Christians.

A Christian refugee in Iran says that they are more free to share the Gospel and praise God openly in Turkey. Another one said it’s like stepping out into light out of the darkness. “It is like coming out of the darkness and into the light. We are so thankful to be able to freely praise our Lord. God is moving,” she added. “Not even Satan’s strongest army can crush the faith of Christians in our country.”


With all the hardships and persecution they are facing, the Christians in Iran are filled with the joy of the Lord and have faith in Jesus Christ, they need our prayers now more than ever before as they face increased persecution for their faith and as their country is going through a war-like situation.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4