Nurse Trapped In Texas Pile-Up That Killed 6 Prayed To God And Turned Up At Work Unharmed

We live in a dangerous world and although we may not face wars but we are constantly in a spiritual war with the enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy.

Psalm 138:7 “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me.”

A Texas nurse recently experienced this supernatural protection after she became involved in a deadly interstate pile-up that killed six people. The nurse not only managed to escape the scene of the accident by crawling out the trunk of her car but even showed up for her shift at work.


Rebecca Benson was able to make it to work with a few aches and pains after her car became pinned between two semis on Interstate 35W near Fort Worth. She said when she was leaving for work Thursday morning, the roads were “completely fine,” and it wasn’t until she approached a corner that she first hit some black ice.

“My car started to kind of spin out a little bit, but nothing crazy,” she said. “So I was adjusting, and while I was coming around the corner, I could just see cars in front of me… There was a Coca-Cola semi and a car hauler semi that had kind of made almost like a triangle. I pointed the car there and prayed to God that I would be okay, and that’s when I hit them.”

Benson made an effort to relax her body as much as she could to brace for impact but was aware that the real danger was the risk of having the cars and semis coming up behind her smash into her vehicle. “You’re sitting there, not being able to do anything, and you can hear semi after semi after semi hitting the group of cars,” she said. “It literally was shaking my vehicle every time. It was terrifying.”

With her car completely pinned, Benson couldn’t get out of her car as all her doors were completely blocked, preventing her from exiting. At one point someone even climbed over the roof of her car to reach others. Finally, someone opened the trunk of her car and asked if she was okay, and then she was able to crawl out to safety.

She escaped unharmed and then hitched a ride to work with a coworker stuck in traffic on the other side of the highway. What a mighty God we serve, He listens to our prayers and answers them in the most amazing way.

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Verse of the Day

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3:18