Entire Neighborhood Spring Into Action To Help Save Hurt Owl

In the quiet neighborhood of Branford, CT, a beloved owl that had been a frequent visitor was spotted in the middle of the street, injured. Concerned residents, who share a special bond with the owl over the years, sprang into action to help.


Laura Burban, the director of Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter, was fortuitously in the area when the owl was found. She quickly came to the scene, eager to help. This was her first time rescuing an owl, and she felt privileged to be able to help one of these beautiful creatures up close.

Although the owl attempted to fly away, it was unable to do so, leading Laura to suspect that it had a bruised wing, likely caused by a hit by a car. She used a towel to gently cover the owl’s head to keep it calm, which was found to be quite a challenge, as owls have the ability to turn their heads nearly all the way around. Eventually, Laura was able to wrap the injured bird in the towel and transport it to A Place Called Hope, a bird rehabilitation center.

At the center, the owl was found to have a fractured wrist and was treated for several weeks until it was fully recovered. In the meantime, the town’s First Selectman, Jamie Cosgrove, called the center regularly to check on the bird’s progress. The owl was a familiar presence in the neighborhood, and many residents felt a special attachment to the bird, considering it a member of their community.

When the owl was ready to be freed back into the wild, Jamie Cosgrove, the grandson of the namesake of the animal shelter where Laura works, was the one who opened the kennel to set it free. The release took place on the Cosgrove family property near a pond, and the neighbors hope that the bird will remain in the area for years to come.

The injured owl’s fortunate encounter with Laura Burban and the outpouring of concern from the neighborhood illustrate the close bond that can develop between humans and wild animals, and the power of community action in helping those in need.

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me! I’ve worked at the shelter for 15 years and never have helped on an Owl call !…

Posted by Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter on Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11