Young Man Performs Moving Violin Cover of ‘In Christ Alone’

Joel Sunny, from Sydney Australia performs a majestic violin cover of ‘In Christ Alone.’


Bible on the top of the rack and a row of colorful candles behind him, the room is solemnly lit and engulfed in a warm glow with a background sound of a fire cracking softly- a perfect set-up for the song. Joel then picks up the fiddle and immersed himself in a sweet devotion and worships God as he plays the violin.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my Light, my Strength, my Song
This Cornerstone, this Solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

The popular Christian song was composed in 2001 by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. The song has been sung and translated over many times in many languages, since then. The song is about the life, death and resurrection of Christ and that he is God whom even death cannot hold.

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Verse of the Day

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

  1. Aloha from Hawaii and Happy Easter!

    Thank you for sharing this worship song and your skill in playing the violin so beautifully!
    I play the piano and sing, so I really appreciated and enjoyed your performance.

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