5 Important Steps For Christian Believers To Live A Holy Life

The Bible tells us that our God is a holy God and calls for us His chosen people to also live a pure and holy life. “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.” (Leviticus 19:2 – ESV).

how to live a holy life

That is a really high standard for most people to live up to, but today we will find a way how to live up to this expectation from God.

I firmly believe that God does not place an expectation upon us that he does not provide for! While holy living is a daily call, I have found a way to answer the call (and it’s not about me) and you can, too.

So, we will look at the characteristics needed for holy living, and the five steps needed to help us get there:

1. Accepting what God wants for us

If we want to be followers of Christ, we need to embrace the reality that holiness is what God wants for us. He told us through his word that it is what He expects from our lives. We have to deny ourselves and follow the word of God.

If we love God then our life becomes evident of it as theologians say- perfect love synonymous with holy living.

2. Accept that you can live a holy life

Obedience to the word of God is necessary for a holy living because we have to follow the commands of Jesus every day so that His perfect will for our lives is done.

Our entire belief in the word of God is based on faith and because of it, holy living is possible for you. So with obedience and faith, we can live a holy life pleasing in the sight of God.

3. Live a sacrificial life

We are called to give ourselves completely to God. Romans 12:1 tells us to give our bodies to God as a living sacrifice.

As we submit to the will of God, we have to ask God to make us holy. It’s not possible to do it on our own but through the power of the Holy Spirit. Holy living is a consequence of having the Holy Spirit reside in our lives.

We have to continually live a life of consecration throughout our lives.

4. Follow the word of God continuously

Holy living is not about following the word of God for some time and then letting go of yourself. It is about a lifestyle of following Jesus unconditionally and unapologetically.

5. Demonstration in the community

When you start living a holy life, you will become a powerful and encouraging blessing to many others in your family and around you.

God will use you in such a way that you could have never ever imagined. The presence of God will go with us wherever we go and will share his insights with us to help us live the life he has called us to.

Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

2 Corinthians 5:21