Home Depot Employees Build Casket For Dog Free Of Cost For Grieving Family

The death of a pet is beyond heartbreaking for most of us as we consider them as not just animals but part of our family.

Scott J. Poznanski, who works at the Home Depot in Racine, Wisconsin, recently shared an encounter they had with a woman who visited the outlet looking for some help after her dog had died.

The woman entered the store early on June 8, and looked very distraught, he shared about the encounter on Facebook shortly following the incident.

“About 7:30 this morning a woman came into Home Depot absolutely bawling her eyes out,” his post began. “One of my co-workers brought her back to where a few of us were having a small conversation.”

“The woman explained that she was looking for some form of crate or box. Confused, we asked what for. She went on to explain that her thirteen year old golden lab had been suffering all weekend and her and her husband finally made the decision to take the pup in to be put down.”

Poznanski wrote that she said the dog had been “a son” to her and her husband, and he had even been the best man at the wedding.

Since Home Depot doesn’t sell anything like a casket for dogs, but they did have the supplies and so the lumber supervisor proposed a plan.

“The Lumber supervisor spoke up and said that while we didn’t necessarily have anything worthy enough to bury a dog in, she would be willing to donate the materials and labor to build a casket for her dog,” Poznanski’s post continued. “Almost immediately the woman broke down even more in gratitude.”


Poznanski and three others immediately started working on designing a box for the dog’s final resting place, getting the go-ahead from the store managers. Between them and a few other employees, it took around two hours to craft a wooden casket.


“There is absolutely no way that I could’ve expected this when I woke up this morning,” Poznanski wrote. “However, my parents also taught me that people often need uplifting the most when they are down.”

“All of us realized this wasn’t about the price of the materials or the lost on-the-clock productivity. This is simply about doing the right thing and helping somebody get through an extremely difficult time. I’m so happy with how this project turned out. Seeing the tears of closure on the face of the woman after showing her this puppy casket made the whole thing worth it and then some.”


Scott’s post has received thousands of comments by people commending the employees and Home Depot for their willingness to foot the bill and provide the supplies and build the casket for this grieving family to bury their beloved dog.

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15