Off-Duty Firefighter Hears Cries for Help in Walmart, Ends Up Saving Pastor’s Life

A pastor’s life was miraculously saved by an off-duty firefighter after he suffered a life-threatening heart attack at a Walmart in Surfside Beach, South Carolina.

heart attack walmart

God’s protection surrounds us in ways we often can’t see or understand. We may not know what’s coming next in our lives, but we can trust that God has already prepared a path for us. His unseen helpers are always at work, guiding and guarding us through each day’s joys and challenges. In this story, God’s plan unfolded in a Walmart aisle, where He brought together a pastor in need and a firefighter ready to help.

On June 15, Pastor Chuck McElroy of Socastee Worship Center was shopping at Walmart when he collapsed from a severe heart attack. His wife, terrified, called for help. By God’s perfect timing, Chad Hughes, a firefighter on vacation from North Carolina, was in the store with his family. Hughes heard the cries for help and rushed over. He found McElroy lifeless on the floor and immediately started CPR.

Hughes later said, “I got to witness a direct answer to my prayer. Y’all are getting to witness a direct answer to your prayer. God does answer prayer.” His quick action proved crucial in saving McElroy’s life.

After the incident, doctors told McElroy he had joined “the 2% club.” Only 2% of people survive the type of heart attack he had. Even more amazing, McElroy had no brain damage, which happens to only 1% of survivors. McElroy said, “I’m here today as a living, walking, talking miracle.” His words remind us of God’s power to work wonders in our lives.

McElroy and Hughes felt a strong need to meet again after this life-changing event. They found each other on Facebook and met at the hospital during McElroy’s recovery. This meeting started a deep friendship based on shared faith and an extraordinary experience.

On September 1, Socastee Family Worship Center held a special service to honor Chad Hughes and his family. The church gathered to celebrate not just McElroy’s recovery, but also how God brought Hughes to the right place at the right time.

During the service, McElroy stood on stage, living proof of God’s grace. “Well, praise the Lord,” he said with gratitude. “God is so good.” He thanked his congregation for their love and support during his recovery.

In a touching moment, McElroy gave Hughes a certificate of appreciation. He read aloud, “In recognition of the rapid response and lifesaving actions of Mr. Chad Hughes for restoring the gift of life to our pastor, Rev. Chuck McElroy.” He added, “We believe Hughes was God’s instrument in God’s hand in God’s time to play a key role in this great miracle.”

Hughes and two of his sons then led the church in worship. They sang Bethel Music’s ‘Goodness of God,’ a song about God’s faithfulness. As Hughes played his guitar, he humbly said, “All I can say is that he’s a good God. I’m nothing—I promise you, I’m nothing. But he’s everything. He’s everything.”

God often uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Hughes, being humble, gave all praise to God. He pointed upward and told the congregation, “Don’t look at me. Don’t look at me. Just look at Him.”

This incident has strengthened the faith of both men and touched many who have heard their story. McElroy said, “It makes you humble; you get a heart of gratitude. That he was willing to do what God trained him to do. What God called him as a firefighter to do.”

As we think about this miracle, let’s be encouraged to trust God’s perfect timing and wisdom. May we, like Chad Hughes, be ready to answer God’s call to help others.

Our actions, even if they seem small, can be used by God to make big changes in people’s lives. Let’s remember to cherish each day as a gift, knowing, as Pastor McElroy now does, that every breath is a miracle from our loving God.

In hard times and in happy moments, may we always look to Him, the one who starts and completes our faith.

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Verse of the Day

“I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.””

Psalm 40:8