A Minnesota Town Rallies To Help Injured Farmer Harvest His Crops

A farmer from Frost, Minnesota, a close-knit community of only 198 residents experienced the love and kindness of his fellow residents after he was badly injured from an accident while saving a puppy.


Scott Legried, 50, suffered from multiple injuries after he crashed into a cornfield while swerving off the road to avoid a German shepherd puppy.

“I got knocked out and when I came to, I couldn’t move,” he recounted. “I couldn’t even reach up to get my cellphone from the dash of my truck. I remember saying, ‘Lord, I’m going to need some help here in the next five or 10 minutes’.”

Luckily, a motorist passed by and called 911 and he was taken to hospital.

The 50 year old man had broken shoulder blades and ribs, two cracked vertebrates, a collapsed lung and a concussion. He would need several months to recover from such injuries according to the doctors. It also meant that he would not be able to harvest his crops this October.

On hearing the news, dozens of farmers from Frost and nearby towns came up to his farm with their combines, trucks and grain wagons to help harvest Scot’s crops, while he was in the hospital. While others organized lunches for them. Some also volunteered to mow his lawn and feed his dogs until he comes home.

“This is a busy time of year for farmers, so it meant the world to me,” said Legried, who lives alone. “But I guess I really wasn’t surprised. I’m lucky to live in a community where people have always looked out for each other.”

It is wonderful to hear such stories of kindness and love. Shows how important it is to have a community where everyone has each others back. Life is all the more meaningful and sweeter to have a dependable group of friends and community. Scot is one such blessed man.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9