‘Guardian Angel’ Service Dog Is Given Tribute With Yearbook Photo Next To Favorite Human

Ariel, a labradoodle, has been a faithful companion to 7-year-old Hadley Jo Lange and is being compared to a guardian angel.

Ariel has been a godsend for her and her family as Hadley has epilepsy and the service dog is always by her side, always ready to help her and save her life.


Hadley Jo started having seizures at the age of 17 months and was in her mother, Heather DeVore Lange’s lap at the time, which made her terrified.

This made her parents decide to get a service dog for Hadley, that was trained to detect seizures, so when Hadley Jo was 2, her parents brought home Ariel.

“She’s able to alert us before a seizure happens, and we’re able to administer rescue medication in less than two minutes in order to stop the seizure, so that’s pretty life-changing for us,” Heather said. “She truly saves my daughter’s life, and I don’t think I could ever thank her enough for that.”


Ariel goes everywhere with Hadley Jo, including to St. Patrick Catholic School in Lousiville, Kentucky. The pup has spent so much time there that she’s become an honorary student.

Now as the school year-end is approaching, the school staff decided to honor Ariel with her own space in the yearbook.

The Langes were surprised and delighted to see a picture of Ariel right beside Hadley, when they opened her yearbook.


“The inclusiveness and acceptance of my daughter and her service dog means the world to me,” Heather said. “It is beyond comforting to know that my daughter and her service dog have a home away from their home, at school, and that they are loved. They are accepted regardless of their differences.”


This family is now doing all they can to help other children who need service dogs by fundraising through the Hope for Hadley Jo Project, as they too were able to have Ariel after generous donations by their community.

What a wonderful way to pay tribute to furry hero, Ariel, who has been such a big blessing in the lives of Hadley Jo and her family.

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Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9