Tearjerking Moment When Groom Surprises Stepchildren With Adoption Request At Wedding

A wedding is always an emotional ceremony when a groom takes his new bride home, but this groom not only made it official with his wife but also with his two new daughters.

groom surprises stepdaughters with adoption proposal

Heartwarming footage of the moment when a groom and his new daughters whom he surprised with an adoption request at the altar is bringing smiles to the faces of people all across the world.

Dontez Williams, 33, from Detroit, Michigan, requested his stepdaughters, Abigail, 9, and Natalie, 8, to officially become his own children at the altar at his wedding with the girls’ mother.

The wedding was held on August 13, at the San Marino Club in Troy, Michigan when Dontez surprised the girls. The thoughtful groom came up with the idea earlier this year while speaking to his now-wife, Myshella Burton, 26.

The girls have been in his life since they were ages one and two, and Dontez was inspired to do so after seeing social media videos where family members surprised their loved ones with stunning adoption requests.

So Dontez decided to come forward with a proposal to make his stepdaughters his own children while they were still young and what better venue to do it than at his own wedding.

So after he finished saying his vows to Myshella, Dontez came up with an additional request, that melted the hearts of his girls and his own too. He says he has grown very close to the girls down the years, and he sees them as “Daddy’s girls,” as he says Yes to more of their requests than mommy.

Dontez said, ‘But when my stepdaughters realized what was happening, they were all in and so tuned into my proposal that I felt like my proposal was something they had been waiting for all their life.

‘I want people to understand that showing emotion is healthy, that fathers are needed in a child’s life, and that there are good men out there who will step up when the other parent is absent.

‘I want people to know how important companionship and respect is, even to children.’

This is such a wholesome video to watch and be inspired especially for men who have not been there for their children and for also those who want to adopt children who have absentee fathers.

2 Corinthians 6:18: “And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”

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Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

2 Corinthians 5:21